Description of the legal entity :

LioniX is a leading global provider of customized microsystem solutions, in particular integrated photonics- based, in scalable production volumes. We provide customized solutions for OEM’s and System Integrators, from design to device, by vertical integration in scalable production volumes and maintain technology leadership secured by a strong IP position. As LioniX, we focus on Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) enabled modules based on our proprietary waveguide technology (TriPleXTM), in addition to our other core competences: micro-fluidics, opto-fluidics and MEMS. As a vertically integrated company, we deliver a complete solution to our OEM customers: from initial design through volume manufacturing of products.

Our chips drive your business
LioniX International B.V. originates from the start of LioniX B.V in 2001 and is since 2016 a fully vertically integrated company. Currently LioniX International employs nearly 50, highly educated people (>50% PhD), and its management has experience in the micro/nano system technology for decades.
Role in the project :
The role of LioniX per WP in OPHELLIA is:
As a consortium member, LioniX is responsible for attending and participating in the project meetings and providing all the information necessary to enable the UT to conduct sound project management.
LioniX will contribute to the analysis of end-user needs in order to translate it into the requirements of the PIC module and PIC building blocks.
LioniX is (jointly) responsible for:
The development of low background loss, high gain/unit length Er3+ doped Al2O3 waveguides;
The design of complex PIC modules including amplifiers, modulators and lasers.
LioniX is (jointly) responsible for the development of the packaging of two of the laser PIC demonstrator versions.
LioniX is (jointly) responsible for the exploitation and dissemination of project results.
Infrastructure and facilities :
Fabrication Facilities
LioniX realizes its foundry- and production-services using processes and equipment of the MESA+ “Nanolab” located nearby LioniX’ premises. Nanolab is a world class professionally managed clean room facility (1.100 m2 class 1.000 – all working spots class 100 or better) featuring state-of-the-art high-tech nanofabrication equipment. In addition to accessing the Nanolab, LioniX also has access to 6” and 8” clean-room facilities furnished with equipment dedicated to volume manufacturing of its proprietary technology via their new shareholder Magic Micro. LioniX has its own characterization equipment for the active alignment of fibers to integrated optical structures to characterize the behaviour of the realized waveguide. Alignment Stages for chip & fiber assembly, Northlab 3SAE Large Diameter Splicing System II (LDS II)

Characterization Facilities
The Nanolab is coupled to the University of Twente’s laboratories specialized in a large variety of functional device characterizations (Ellipsometers, Profilometers, SEM, TEM, XRD, AFM, etc). LioniX has access to characterization equipment for the active alignment of fibers to integrated optical structures to characterize the passive behaviour of the realized waveguide. Rohde & Schwarz RF test equipment, Northlab Interferometric inspection system for 125μm to 1200μm fibers, Zero- Chirp Intensity modulator Thorlabs LN81, and Phase modulator Thorlabs LN65.
Theory/Modelling Competences/ Resources
LioniX uses Synopsys (PhoeniX software: OptoDesigner, Clewin) for their simulations on the integrated optical structures and for the monitoring of their cleanroom processes. Other simulation and modelling software are: AURORA, MATCAD, SkyLab, and LabView.
Address :
Building The Gallery
Hengelosestraat 500
7521 AN Enschede
The Netherlands
Contact :
+31 53 20 30 053