Description of the legal entity :

RIEGL has been producing LiDAR systems commercially for more than 40 years, focussing on pulsed time of flight laser-radar technology in multiple wavelengths. RIEGL’s score “smart waveform” technologies provide pure digital LiDAR signal processing, unique methodologies for resolving range ambiguities, multiple targets per lasershot, optimum distribution of measurements, calibrated amplitudes and reflectance estimates, as well as the seamless integration and calibration of systems. The various types of RIEGL LiDAR sensors and systems offer a wide array of performance characteristics.
RIEGL is active in developing and producing LiDAR solutions for a broad range of applications in the following product branches: Industrial Laser Scanning (ILS), Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS), Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), Topo-Bathymetric Laser Scanning (BLS), and UAV-based Laser Scanning (ULS). RIEGL’s product portfolio ranges from single LiDAR engines for OEM integration, to 2D and 3D laser scanners, and complete miniature integrated LiDAR systems, the RiCOPTER.

Role in the project :
The role of RIEGL per WP in OPHELLIA is:
As a consortium member, RIEGL is responsible for attending and participating in the project meetings and providing all the information necessary to enable the UT to conduct sound project management.
RIEGL is leading this WP.
RIEGL has no role in this WP.
RIEGL has no role in this WP.
RIEGL is (jointly) responsible for the exploitation and dissemination of project results.
Infrastructure and facilities :
Office Sites and Facilities
Besides the RIEGL headquarters and offices in Austria, with more than 210 employees (in Horn, Vienna, Salzburg, and Styria), RIEGL maintains subsidiaries located in the U.S.A. (Wintergarden, Orlando, Florida), Japan (Tokyo), China (Beijing), Australia (Southport), Canada (Toronto), and in U.K. (York). A worldwide network of distribution partners supports direct on-site contact with customers.
The RIEGL facilities in Horn (Austria) provide more than 40.000 square feet workspace for research, development and production as well as for marketing, sales, training and administration. Another 350.000 square feet of open-air ground is used for product testing. A neighboring, additional manufacturing building doubling the currently available operating space is currently almost completed.

Testing Facilities
Electromagnetic Compatibility Checks are carried out for every RIEGL Laser scanner in order to meet or to exceed the requirement of the European Standard EN61326-1:2013 concerning electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Indoor and outdoor measuring sections are available for verifying measuring capabilities. A calibration field serves procedures for geometric adjustment, compass alignment and rangefinder calibration. A nearby drone airfield is used for UAV-related testing, i.e. for both the UAV LiDAR sensor and the carrier drone’s performance.
RIEGL holds and operates two manned airplanes for testing, calibrating and demonstration purposes of airborne LiDAR systems.
Address :
Riedenburgstraße 48, A-3580 Horn, Austria
Contact :
+43 2982 4211